With the creation of its Prophet Training and Certification programme for consultancies, FIS Prophet provides a comprehensive offering of classes, seminars, webinars, and assessment processes intended to foster and improve the skills required of effective Prophet consultants.
Prophet Certification, achieved through the FIS Prophet training and assessment process, is an objective, FIS-approved measure of Prophet competency that consultants can cite when responding to their customers and when negotiating Prophet consulting engagements.
FIS has established three certification levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Bronze level is easiest to achieve and focusses on the mechanics of Prophet while the Gold level focusses substantially on actuarial modelling strategies.
Points are awarded for participation in training courses, seminars, and webinars and for demonstration of competency through assessment testing. To retain certification, individuals must attend relevant seminars/webinars each year and attend a re-assessment test every two years from initial qualification.
Prophet Certification brochure