We would like all of our customers to be able to make full use of all the functionalities and features offered by Prophet. To enable you to learn about the extensive range of facilities for all types of actuarial calculations that Prophet provide, we have designed a number of training courses, set at varying levels of expertise. Training is provided by our Prophet experts and it offers the perfect environment to develop, update or refresh your Prophet knowledge as well as the opportunity to share experiences with other users.
FIS runs a selection of standard courses designed to train users on particular aspects of Prophet. As such they are intended to complement our service of providing company specific, tailored training. These courses are available to all our Prophet clients around the world and can be viewed here within the Prophet Training Directory
Certificates are issued to all delegates who attend our courses.
Subscription Training *New*
We are delighted to announce our new Subscription based training offering, with a choice of over 80 modules to choose from including core and optional topics at varying levels. Our courses can take new employees through the various levels to become Prophet experts. Course modules are around 2 hours in length, which makes the material easy to digest and doesn’t impact on day to day work and commitments. Modules are delivered remotely by one of our Prophet experts and can be scheduled for times where it is convenient for delegates to attend.
The modules cover hundreds of different topics across 6 of the key Prophet applications and libraries. Modules are all ‘hands-on’ so will require delegates to have Prophet installed on their machine.
Course modules are charged on a monthly subscription basis over a two, three or five year period. We require a minimum of four weeks-notice of any requested training dates. Invoices will be raised on a monthly basis for the number of users and modules signed up for.
The Subscription Brochure can be viewed here.
Please email prophet.training@fisglobal.com for a quote.
Standard Courses
Standard training courses are scheduled to run at various global locations, including the UK. A 10% early booking discount will be offered to delegates who return a completed booking form at least three weeks before the final booking date.
The training schedule has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check back later for our revised schedule.
Standard training courses are listed below and within the Training Directory and can be provided as either:
External Scheduled Courses
A scheduled course where clients are invited to attend a chosen venue on predetermined dates. This is open to all Prophet users.
In-House Courses
An ad-hoc training course is usually held at clients’ offices at a time chosen specifically by the client. There is also an option to invite your team to our London offices.
► Standard Course Details
Below is a list of the courses we currently provide, together with a brief description of their content.
If you would like further information, a copy of the price list or to discuss your training needs, please feel free to contact us at +44 (0) 1932 757 697 or email us at the following email address prophet.training@fisglobal.com.
Introduction to Prophet
Our recommended introductory level course for anyone new to Prophet. These two days will give a thorough grounding in the use of Prophet and are especially suitable for anyone who has little or no Prophet experience and/or less than 18 months' experience in an actuarial environment.
Advanced Coding in Prophet
Aimed at users whose knowledge is equivalent to having attended an Introduction to Prophet course and then having applied those skills steadily for three months in a working environment. This course will guide delegates onto the next phase of their Prophet usage by taking them beyond the basic coding covered in the introduction courses.
Introduction to ALS - External Liabilities
An overview of the range of deterministic, dynamic and stochastic ALM projections that can be carried out using Prophet, including an outline of the functionality of the Asset Liability Strategy ("ALS") library. This course is appropriate for people who wish to use Prophet to model assets and the fund within an ALS library product, where interactions with liability results are achieved by dynamically incorporating cash flows using "external" Prophet liability products.
Data Conversion and Grouping
An introduction to the Data Conversion and Data Grouping System (DCS) and the Data Grouping options in Prophet. This course is suitable for a new user of DCS or for someone who wants to carry out grouping of their policy data.
IFRS17 Group Calculations Library Training - New
This one-day training contains both actuarial input and participative exercises for hands on experience of the main stages of developing an IFRS17 Prophet product. This course is suitable for delegates who have some experience with Prophet and are able to navigate around the Prophet interface comfortably. Please see the course overview here.
Technical Training Prophet Professional & Prophet Enterprise - New
Aimed at IT Technicians to give a basic Prophet overview, enabling them to deal confidently with their responsibilities for their company’s Prophet Environment. The training is split into two courses, focusing on Prophet Professional and Prophet Enterprise which can be taken separately or consecutively. Agendas in German are available on request. Please see the course overview here.
Tailored Courses
We will partner with you to develop a comprehensive training course with your specific goals in mind. This may involve creating a tailored course that is made up of a combination of subjects from the various standard courses, or indeed a brand new one that is created to match your needs.
Tailored courses are typically offered as in-house training, where one of our trainers comes to your offices and trains up to eight people at a time. Tailoring of our standard courses is charged at a standard daily rate, covering changes to the training material and administration costs.
► Tailored Course Details
Below is a list of the courses we currently provide, together with a brief description of their content.
The following courses are available as in-house courses, arranged on request:
If you would like further information, a copy of the price list or to discuss your training needs, please feel free to contact us at +44 (0) 1932 757 697 or email us at the following email address prophet.training@fisglobal.com.
Nested Structures
This course is designed to guide delegates through working with Prophet’s Nested Structures functionality (and attach the agenda until this is included in the new FIS training directory). Please see the course overview here.
ALS Modular Training
Our ALS modular training offering allows delegates to tailor the course to their own needs. Given the range of different functionalities within the library, it is necessary to select modules which are appropriate for the types of models which you will be building or using. Please see the brochure here and contact the Prophet Training team for further information.
Introduction to ALS - Internal Liabilities
An overview of the Asset Liability Strategy (ALS) library with liabilities modelled "internally" i.e. in the same product. The course provides a basic understanding of the calculations performed in the ALS library where the interactions of the assets and liabilities and the dynamic decisions take place within one product. The course also covers how the liabilities can be modelled within an ALS product.
Stochastic Liability Modelling
Provides hands-on experience for users who wish to use Prophet to model their liabilities stochastically. Includes pricing of guarantees and gives delegates an opportunity to compare and contrast the different economic models available. Includes in-depth coverage of SGA, which is used throughout the day.
Extended Formula Coding in Prophet
Designed to introduce the new features in Prophet, covering advanced formula coding techniques. The course provides several approaches to writing efficient code and is aimed at those with some existing experience of the system. This is a fast-moving course intended for delegates who already have good actuarial and Prophet knowledge.
Four-day PRD/IDR Training Course
This four-day course contains both actuarial input and participative exercises for hands on experience of the main stages of developing a Prophet Data Management Platform (PDMP) solution. This course is suitable for delegates who have experience of Business Analysis, Data Modelling, Database Development, and XML in an actuarial environment. Please see the course overview here.
Automating Prophet
This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to learn about techniques to automate the Prophet run process. It is suitable for users who want to understand how Prophet is used, but who do not currently need to specify product models. It includes DCS, multiple runs, the API and results reporting techniques. No actuarial knowledge is required.
Introduction to Glean
An introduction to the Glean Experience Analysis System and, as an integral part of that, the basics of the Data Conversion System. Delegates will be shown how to perform an Experience Investigation, how to compare their experience against expected rates and how to fit a generalised linear model to their data.
Training and Certification Programme for Consultancies
FIS provides a comprehensive offering of classes, seminars, webinars, and assessment processes intended to foster and improve the skills required of effective Prophet consultants. For more information about our training and certification programme for consultancies, please click here.